Day 11 and why I have been absent

Hi all,

so, today is Day 11 and I am feeling great! I couldn't be happier to let you all know, that what looked like it was going to be a severe bronchitis on Friday cleared up completely over the weekend by sticking to an amazing all natural cure I recently read about!

I really felt sick on Friday, cold hands, runny nose and a bad burning air tube. By 2pm I was coughing up bad mucus (I won't go into details) and couldn't believe, that I was going to be sick even though I was fully loaded with vitamins and liquid nutrition.

SO - I went to the drug store and bought HONEY & CINNAMON!

I took 2 table spoons of honey with 1 table spoon of cinnamon stirred into a bit of hot water for the following 4 days/3 times a day! And by Monday, I had no cough anymore and felt perfectly fine!

The weekend was really restful, I went for a colonic on Saturday, did a light cardio and arm workout and went to the movies. On Sunday, I went to the movies again and did nothing else. Monday was a bank holiday here and I just relaxed at home, read and then went to the gym for a nice cardio and leg workout!

To Health and Happiness!


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